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Recipes. Puffy pastry


Food Collection

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Recipes. Puffy pastry

Food Collection

Kate Hrynevych

Reshape Mark cover chill pour Seal fold soften roll Press Turn flour Give

Puffy pastry

1 . Put the flour and a pinch of salt in the food processor . it on and steadily in 150ml of water . When the dough comes together , it in cling film and chill for 20 mins .
2 . Lightly your surface and the dough into a 25cm circle . Put the butter in between two pieces of baking parchment and it by tapping it with a rolling pin . Cut the butter in half and repeat the process until the butter is pliable but still cold . to the size roughly of a postcard .
3 . Put the butter in the centre of the pastry and over the right and left sides of the circle , overlapping in the middle . the dough with your rolling pin to make it longer and then lightly mark into thirds . Fold the bottom third up to cover the middle third and the top third down . the dough gently by pressing down on the edges with your rolling pin . the dough a quarter turn .
4 . Roll the dough out to a long rectangle ( roughly 18 x 38cm ) , keeping the edges square and the sides straight . the dough into thirds again , fold the bottom third up and the top third down . Seal the edges and give the dough a quarter turn . Repeat one more time , cover and for 20 mins .
5 . Repeat step four twice more , chilling each time . Chill for one hour before using .