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Recipes. Sushi


Food Collection

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Recipes. SushiVersion en ligne

Food Collection

par Kate Hrynevych

seal Serve Bring Put cook Dampen stone cool Fold squeeze Lay Stir roll cut spread


1 . the rice in a small pan with 600ml water . to the boil and for 10 mins until the water is absorbed and the rice is tender . through the vinegar and sugar , cover and .
2 . Skin , and slice the avocado . Put in a bowl and over the lemon juice , turning the avocado to ensure the pieces are covered .
3 . Divide the rice between the nori sheets and it out evenly , leaving a 1cm border at the top and bottom . the salmon over the rice , followed by the chives and finally position the avocado across the centre .
4 . the bottom edge of the seaweed over the filling , then it up firmly . the top border with a little water to help it the roll . Repeat to make 4 rolls . At this stage , the rolls can be wrapped individually in cling film and chilled until ready to serve .
5 . Using a serrated knife , each roll into 8 rounds . with sweet soy sauce for dipping .

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