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Organs of the human body

Relier Colonnes

This game will consist of joining the columns according to the main organs of the human body, for that you will have to observe the images and according to them join them with their respective names. You will have to read carefully and when you have found one, you will click on the boxes to join them. Once the answer is correct, it will be marked in green. Much success!

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Âge recommandé: 5 ans
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Relier Pairs

Organs of the human bodyVersion en ligne

This game will consist of joining the columns according to the main organs of the human body, for that you will have to observe the images and according to them join them with their respective names. You will have to read carefully and when you have found one, you will click on the boxes to join them. Once the answer is correct, it will be marked in green. Much success!

par Johana Vanessa Loria Perez
educaplay suscripción