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Guide 3 and 4


Hardware: in the PC world, hardware is any place of circuitry or any component of your computer that a physical structure, for example, your computer´s monitor is a place of hardware, as is your PC floppy disk drive. Even those components that you normally can´t see or touch- the ones that are burled inside your case- are considered hardware, too, like your PCs mother-board and power supply. And place of hardware as well, although it´s not electrical.

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Âge recommandé: 16 ans
22 fois fait

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Guide 3 and 4

Hardware: in the PC world, hardware is any place of circuitry or any component of your computer that a physical structure, for example, your computer´s monitor is a place of hardware, as is your PC floppy disk drive. Even those components that you normally can´t see or touch- the ones that are burled inside your case- are considered hardware, too, like your PCs mother-board and power supply. And place of hardware as well, although it´s not electrical.

Leydee Pardo

computer computer´s structure floppy component touch world hardware place power burled electrical

Hardware : in the PC , hardware is any of circuitry or any of your that a physical , for example , your monitor is a place of hardware , as is your PC disk drive . Even those components that you normally can´t see or - the ones that are inside your case - are considered , too , like your PCs mother - board and supply . And place of hardware as well , although it´s not .