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I'm sorry. I didn't know...


Practice apologizing, giving an excuse, a reason, a promise & admitting a mistake.

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Âge recommandé: 14 ans
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I'm sorry. I didn't know...Version en ligne

Practice apologizing, giving an excuse, a reason, a promise & admitting a mistake.

par María Fernanda Hernández Uriarte

like the tonight go about have can I to do promise Would what station nigh police I dinner to you tomorrow

Erick : Hi Bob . How are you ?
Bob : I'm OK . Look , I'm really sorry . I couldn't come to your party last night .
Erick : Oh , don't worry .
Bob : I had to .
Erick : Oh dear , What happened ?
Bob : Someone stole my car . But the police found it and it's fine .
Erick : That's good !
Emma : Hey guys ! What's going on ?
Bob : Hey ! We're doing good , thanks .
Erick : Guys ! ?
Emma : I'm so sorry ! I can't do it today , ?
Erick : What about you bob ?
Bob : I'm sorry , I can't do it tonight . But it tomorrow night .
Erick : Great ! I'll see you tomorrow then . I must go , see you tomorrow !
Bob & Emma : Good - bye !

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