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Sphere Activity


The sphere (spherical surface) is the set of points in three-dimensional space that have the same distance to a fixed point called a center; both the segment that joins a point to the center, and the length of the segment, is called the radius

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Âge recommandé: 14 ans
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Sphere ActivityVersion en ligne

The sphere (spherical surface) is the set of points in three-dimensional space that have the same distance to a fixed point called a center; both the segment that joins a point to the center, and the length of the segment, is called the radius

par Leidy Munar

First: If a basketball has a diameter of 24 cm. What will its Volume be?


Second: A Pilates yoga ball has a diameter of 75 ?? What will its Area be?


Third: In a sphere we can find main elements. What are they:


Four: 4. In a park in my city they made a spherical monument of which they tell us that it has an area of 7856 m ^ 2, according to what has been stated, the value of the radius of this monument is:


use the basic concepts of volume, area, elements and definition of sphere.

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