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Assessment activities


Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

Choose from the following list of words.

Exam, portfolio, journal, observation, experiment, interview, test, check-list, self evaluation, rubric, Essay, performance task

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assessment Âge recommandé: 18 ans
14 fois fait

Créé par

Heath Sawyer
Heath Sawyer
New Zealand

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Assessment activities

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Choose from the following list of words. Exam, portfolio, journal, observation, experiment, interview, test, check-list, self evaluation, rubric, Essay, performance task

Heath Sawyer

essays Checklists Observation demonstrations peer Rubrics tests journals judgments performance Portfolios interviews

is where a teacher or peer will observe the student performing a range of tasks and make based on task criteria .

Used to measure a students overall understanding of a topic ; allow students to write their thoughts in a structured and logical manner .

Sometimes referred to as conferencing , are a discussion between the teacher and student . This discussion can be either formative or summative .

Performance tasks are used to measure against specific criteria .

Exhibitions and are used to showcase a student's learning . Often the student will have to explain how they have met the learning criteria themselves .

are used to collect and share a evidence of learning . This could be any combination of files , images or documents .
An ongoing reflection of learning , are personal records of progress made by the learner .

Teacher - created help diagnose how a student is doing with the learning .

divide learning into clear levels of achievement . They are statements within a table stating the lowest to highest standards of achievement . Students can use them to measure their own learning and teachers can use them to grade student work .

Self and - evaluation is a useful formative practice to allow students to gauge where they are at with their learning . , rubrics , interviews and a range of other assessments can be used by students themselves .