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Human right to have a family


In this short speech, you will complete what Andrea´s father, John, tells the teacher about their rights.

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Âge recommandé: 15 ans
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Human right to have a familyVersion en ligne

In this short speech, you will complete what Andrea´s father, John, tells the teacher about their rights.

par Laura García Albarracín

our Andrea´s her her her her love husband two our daughter's teacher her Andrea My

Teacher , I know it is difficult but we have the right to have a family and there is not a person that can tell us if we are correct or incorrect . family is a homoparental family , so we are dads and our daughter , .
Andrea has the dream that one day classmates accept and treat her with respect , because she is a normal girl , she has grandparents , aunts , uncles , and there is among us . So , sometimes she does not understand why people believe there is a mistake with .
It is challenging for my , Mike , and me because sometimes face is sad and we do not know what to tell . husband is a doctor and I am a like you . We work all day and the only thing we want to believe is that face is happy and that Andrea is safe with teacher .

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