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On The Train

It is 6.30 in the evening now, and the wind is still blowing. It is getting colder. About ten miles away from Princeville Prison a man is hiding in a field. The wind is cutting through his thin prison uniform like a knife. » A dog is barking somewhere in the distance. Is it a police dog perhaps? I c I zday? The man in the field does not know. There is only one idea in his mind at the moment: he must find food and some warm clothes, but where? Two hundred miles away in London, Baxter’s train is standing at plat- form 9 in Paddington Station. Baxter is sitting in a comfortable com- partment. There is another man opposite him. Baxter does not know 10 the man but he can see he wants to talk. The man is holding a newspaper 4 money. in his hands. and the “I see someone escaped from Princeville Prison this morning.” “Oh, really?” “Yes ... Would you like to read about it? It’s all here in the paper.” 15 ;•ular verbs “No. thank you.” didn’f go question d’t’) The train is leaving the station now. Baxter is looking out of the window. He can see a thousand bright lights in the windows of pubs, cafés, houses and flats. Everywhere people are sitting down to warm meals and hot cups of tea. The world looks warm and comfortable. 20 The man opposite Baxter is still talking. ‘The paper says the man was a spy ... he gave important military secrets away. I hope the, police catch him!” 'Yes, so do I.”
detective fiction english literature Âge recommandé: 21 ans
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Créé par

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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