Many
parts
of
London
will
be
under
water
by
,
if
nothing
is
done
to
protect
them
.
London
on
the
Thames
,
yes
;
but
London
in
the
Sea
?
No
thank
you
!
Yet
this
happen
before
,
steps
are
taken
quite
quickly
,
to
prevent
it
.
As
a
result
of
,
the
sea
around
the
south
east
corner
of
England
is
expected
to
by
cms
in
just
half
a
century
!
And
scientists
now
say
that
many
parts
of
London
will
be
at
serious
risk
from
by
the
sea
within
years
.
It's
not
all
of
London
that
is
in
;
just
some
parts
to
the
east
of
the
city
.
And
they
won't
be
under
water
all
the
time
;
just
when
there
are
very
tides
.
The
low
-
lying
suburbs
beside
the
Thames
in
the
East
End
of
London
are
already
protected
from
high
tides
by
a
massive
barrier
that
stretches
right
across
the
river
;
but
more
defences
will
needed
along
the
banks
of
the
Thames
to
protect
a
larger
area
to
the
north
of
the
river
,
and
further
east
.
And
no
-
one
really
knows
the
existing
Thames
Barrier
will
still
be
enough
to
protect
London
,
even
in
.
The
Thames
barrier
was
opened
in
.
During
the
first
ten
years
of
its
life
,
it
was
closed
,
on
,
just
once
a
year
.
Some
years
it
was
closed
at
all
.
Other
towns
and
low
lying
areas
in
the
east
of
England
are
facing
similar
problems
;
and
it
will
take
a
lot
of
time
,
and
cost
a
lot
of
money
,
to
protect
them
.
London
floods
Of
course
,
there
have
always
occasional
very
high
tides
.
thousand
years
ago
,
there
were
big
floods
around
London
;
and
in
,
before
the
Thames
Barrier
was
,
over
people
lost
their
lives
in
"
the
big
flood
"
;
but
today
the
dangers
are
bigger
.
There
are
more
people
,
more
roads
,
more
infrastructure
.
In
the
past
,
people
did
not
build
in
places
there
was
a
risk
of
flooding
.
Today
,
in
southeast
England
,
land
is
so
expensive
,
that
people
build
?
even
in
places
that
are
liable
to
be
flooded
.
Scientists
also
say
that
global
warming
will
lead
to
warmer
and
summers
in
the
south
east
of
England
.
This
will
cause
changes
in
vegetation
,
and
several
species
of
native
will
not
be
able
to
.
Wet
in
winter
,
hot
in
summer
:
will
that
be
London
in
fifty
years'
time
?
London
big
problems
in
the
next
fifty
years
;
but
London
is
a
rich
city
,
which
can
pay
to
build
the
protections
that
will
be
needed
.
London's
difficulties
will
be
very
small
,
to
the
problems
that
will
be
faced
in
some
of
the
world's
poorer
counties
,
Bangla
Desh
.