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What do you call that ?


Complete the conversation using the correct expressions

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What do you call that ?Version en ligne

Complete the conversation using the correct expressions

par Pedro Torres Hernandez

name you them right his call call her What's Do those mean name you mean What's what Do you

A : Hey Tim I was watching an awesome movie yesterday .
B : Really ? Which one ?
A ; It's an action and horror movie . The main actor is the same guy who appears in the Men in Black movies . ?
B : you mean Will Smith ?
A : Yeah Will Smith . He's a great actor . It's a postapocaliptic movie and Will Smith is the only survivor . He has to fight with these . . . What do ?
B : You zombies ?
A : Yes . . . well , not exactly . They are more like vampires
B : Oh I know . You are talking about I'm legend , ?

A : I want to read more books but it's kind of annoying to have them in my bookshelves collecting dust
B : Maybe you can buy one of those , do you ? They're like little electronic devices where you can download books
A : Yes you're right , an e - reader
B : Exactly , and e - reader , the girl that takes chinese classes with us has one . You know the tall one with red hair . ?
A : mean Liz ? Maybe I should ask for her advic e

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