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Young Sherlock Holmes-3

After two people die in unrelated instances outside the school walls, Holmes deduces from the circles around articles names in the newspaper in the professor’s laboratory that the deaths must all be related. It is some kind of revenge vendetta – as so often in the real Holmes stories. Holmes goes to the police detective Lestrade, and tells him a murderer is on the loose. But Lestrade asks him to leave, not being convinced. Meanwhile Holmes is expelled from the school for an alleged examination fraud, but in fact Holmes was framed and is innocent. When the professor becomes victim number three, Holmes immediately tells Letrade it is murder! Next, Holmes and Watson discover a group of crazed cult members dressed as ancient Egyptians who practice the embalming of lovely young maiden hostages inside a complex underground ritual pyramid. A kind of war breaks out bwtewwn the school students and the cult; but the resourceful Watson saves Holmes just in the nick of time with an engineer’s dream pulley system. It disables Rathe’s getaway vehicle and destroys enemies all with one perfectly timed rope and hook. The young people pursue the bad guy to the place in the ice where the sinking airplane – in which they have flown from the school, has crashed. The bad guy shoots at Holmes but injures Elizabeth.Holmes and Rathe duel to the death and Rathe falls through the same hole , drowning in the ice-cold river. Holmes runs to Elizabeth, only to watch her die. Her early death explains why he will never marry later on. Holmes leaves the school for a second time; but not before briefly explaining to Watson how he figured out the mystery. Finally, we see a cloaked person get out of the sleigh, register at a foreign hotel under the name Moriarty, and we see that it is again Rathe, the fancing master who drowned under the ice. He has come back to haunt us.
literature adventure Âge recommandé: 15 ans
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Créé par

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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