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Young Sherlock Holmes-2

To a voice-over recalling these events, we see Watson arriving at the boarding school where he immediately meets the Young Sherlock Holmes, struggling to master the violin. Within seconds we find out: Holmes has not mastered the violin in three days! He has a habit of meeting people and promptly offending them by telling the person all about themselves down to the tiniest details, and thus that the pudgy Watson enjoys custard tarts. It is a rousing beginning. Holmes is attracted to fifteen-year-old Elizabeth, the niece of the crackpot professor on campus, Professor Waxflatter. Young Sherlock learns all his powers of deduction from this crazy and eccentric old professor, who tries to fly a physics-defying airplane, not once but several times, off the roof of he school and rach time it crashes horribly each time without a single bruise. Holmes also fences with the impossibly dashing martial arts teacher, Professor Rathe, and he proves to be his equal with the fencing foil. The school bully challenges Holmes to find a mislaid fencing trophy, and he uses the most absurdly planted clues to locate it in the very last seconds of the alloted time. One day, Elizabeth and her dog, Uncas, are out for a walk and happen to be the only people hearing the bell-jingling bad guy and give chase around the school courtyard. Uncas is disturbed, and bites away a small section of the bad guy’s clothing – which Holmes later subjects to chemical tests.
literature sherlock holmes english Âge recommandé: 15 ans
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Créé par

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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