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The Prodigal Son- Part 2


Recall the details and message of the parable of the Prodigal Son

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Âge recommandé: 11 ans
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The Prodigal Son- Part 2

Recall the details and message of the parable of the Prodigal Son

Ioannis Moutsatsos

robe son servants servants sinned shoes hunger 'Father ring

But when he came to himself he said , 'How many of my father's hired have bread enough and to spare , but I perish here with ! I will arise and go to my father , and I will say to him , , I have sinned against heaven and before you ; I am no longer worthy to be called your ; treat me as one of your hired . ' And he arose and came to his father . But while he was yet at a distance , his father saw him and had compassion , and ran and embraced him and kissed him . And the son said to him , 'Father , I have against heaven and before you ; I am no longer worthy to be called your son . ' But the father said to his servants , 'Bring quickly the best , and put it on him ; and put a on his hand , and on his feet ; and bring the fatted calf and kill it , and let us eat and make merry ; for this my son was dead , and is alive again ; he was lost , and is found . ' And they began to make merry .