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Who was Anne Frank?


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Âge recommandé: 12 ans
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Who was Anne Frank?Version en ligne

Reader summary

par florencia badoglio

chilhood Netherlands Jews Amsterdam benches German father diary star annex Frankfurt letter

Anne Frank was a girl . She lived in with her parents , and sister . She had a happy there until Hitler started persecuting the . Then her family moved to . Unfortunately , Hitler invaded the too and started passing unfair laws . For instance the Jews had to wear a yellow on their clothes , could not sit on the in parks , or could not attend public places like libraries and cinemas . When they got a calling Anne's sister , Margot , to a concentration camp the family hid in the " secret " . They spent 2 years hiding but they were found and sent to concentration camps . Only the survived . Miep , the father's secretary found Anne's after the soldiers took the family away and kept it . Then the father had the diary published .

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