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Excalibur Ch.9.1


Type in the missing words

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Âge recommandé: 13 ans
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Excalibur Ch.9.1Version en ligne

Type in the missing words

par Oksana Koval

passed battles wronged searching united unfairly accept missing divided honoured guilt trouble

England now became more than it had ever been , as the round table had
broken up . Violent in the countryside divided the duty of the King's men
between for the Holy Grail and defending the King's rule . Arthur stayed
at the castle more often as he felt there was something in this search for
the truth the Grail was supposed to offer . Guinevere went to speak to the King
because she understood his .
" It's Lancelot . You have acted . Until you find him , and peace within
yourself , the country will never be . "
Guinevere's mentioning Lancelot's name filled Arthur's heart with feelings of
. He was so overwhelmed by those feelings that he was finally able to
that this was the truth for him .
" I have also you , my Queen ! I shall ride from the castle and not return
without Lancelot , so that we may be united again in our love for one another . "
Arthur called the last of his men together to ride in search of the most
knight in Camelot , Sir Lancelot . As the men a certain tree in a valley , the
tree changed into the form of Morgan Le Fay .

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