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Sarah says no p.4


Complete the gaps

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Âge recommandé: 11 ans
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Sarah says no p.4Version en ligne

Complete the gaps

par Oksana Koval

brings morning honest proud bad bananas afternoon worms angry correct weight back fresh customers cheap happy black

It is Tuesday . Today , Sara's father is selling the correct . He is . He takes the money . Sara is . Today , she is of her father . The are happy too . They buy a lot of fruit . 'Your fruit is and fresh , ' they say . But in the , some customers come back . They are . An old man back some apples . One of his apples is . A girl brings back some oranges . One of her oranges is bad . A woman brings back some . One of her bananas is bad . It is , and full of . 'Look , Mister Fruit ! Your fruit isn't today . We want our money ! '

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