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management and leadership


cloze, management and leadership, HRM, verbs

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management and leadershipVersion en ligne

cloze, management and leadership, HRM, verbs

par lma work

is must helps is will set allow draws decide have will organise are is achieved starts has can seek empower vary is achieved is achieve needs

There a difference between management and leadership . Management about getting things done . Managers human and physical resources to business aims and objectives . Leadership about influencing , motivating and inspiring people . It about coaching and developing people , treating them with respect but challenging them . Leaders to create strong teams , with people committed to the organisation's overall goals .

The process of managing with the target or objective to be achieved . A manager on the appropriate approach for reaching that target . The manager then to communicate this approach clearly to his or her team and to allocate tasks to each team member . Task allocation and delegation of responsibility part of the management function . However , other factors also an influence on whether the target is , including the task in hand , the skills of the team and the style of leadership .
The style of leadership depending on the task . Some managers teams to take charge of their own decision - making for many tasks . Team leaders the objectives but team members to decide how these objectives . This several advantages . It to motivate individuals in the team and it on the expertise of the members of the team .

Read more : http : / / businesscasestudies . co . uk / tesco / developing - appropriate - leadership - styles / management - and - leadership . html#ixzz2KO5QWBTa
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