El juego consiste en llenar todas las casillas correctamente, en el lado derecho de la pantalla hay un cuadro donde da las palabras que van a ser utilizado en el juego, se seleccionan las palabras en orden dependiendo en el cuadro en el que va, primero hay algunas oraciones que después del cuadro que necesitas rellenar hay una palabra clave entre paréntesis que ayudarle a saber qué palabra debe convertirse, en tiempo pasado, y al final algunos regulares los verbos aparecen como irregulares y tienes que poner su forma infinitiva o su forma en el pasado dependiendo de cómo se le solicite.
The game consists of filling all the boxes correctly, on the right side of the screen there is a box where the words that are going to be used in the game are given, the words are selected in order depending on the box in which it goes, first there is some sentences that after the box you need to fill in there is a keyword in parentheses to help you know what word should be converted, in the past tense, and at the end some regular verbs appear as irregular and you have to put their infinitive form or their form in the past depending on how it is requested.
The game consists of filling all the boxes correctly, on the right side of the screen there is a box where the words that are going to be used in the game are given, the words are selected in order depending on the box in which it goes, first there is some sentences that after the box you need to fill in there is a keyword in parentheses to help you know what word should be converted, in the past tense, and at the end some regular verbs appear as irregular and you have to put their infinitive form or their form in the past depending on how it is requested.
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