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HR_14_2_Formal words_No clues


Change neutral expressions to more formal ones.
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HR_14_2_Formal words_No clues

Change neutral expressions to more formal ones. No clues

Tatiana Muchnick

adjourned attend awaiting admonished apportioned adjusted advised appointed amalgamated assist

11 . The workers were ( given a warning ) by the manager for careless work .
12 . We are ( waiting for ) the decision of the planning department .
13 . Prices will be ( changed ) according to the current rate of inflation .
14 . The chairman ( stopped ) the meeting until 3 o'clock .
15 . We have ( chosen ) a new distribution manager .
16 . Production costs are ( shared ) according to projected revenue .
17 . The chairman has asked all managers to ( come to ) the meeting .
18 . We have been ( told ) that the shipment will arrive next week .
19 . Can you ( help ) me with these income tax returns ?
20 . The different unions have ( joined together to make one main union ) .