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Excalibur Ch.6.1


Complete the gaps

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Âge recommandé: 13 ans
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Excalibur Ch.6.1Version en ligne

Complete the gaps

par Oksana Koval

unity left gained designed virtuous bravest ambitions table swordsman peace right discussed opinions betray trust establish guard private knighted barons

After came to England and people were living in harmony , Arthur decided to a symbol of the country's unity which would help keep the and peace they enjoyed . He invited all the of the castles in England who had remained loyal to the king during his fight for peace to come and sit at a round Arthur had specially . At this table , all men's were equal and matters on how to keep peace and unity in England were .
Sir Lancelot sat to the of Arthur and Sir Gawain sat to the . They were the and most noble of Arthur's knights , and Arthur put complete in them . Sir Gawain was jealous of Sir Lancelot . He knew Lancelot was Arthur's favourite knight because he had been the first to be by the King .
Lancelot was said to have a pure heart . He had no for himself , only for the King and Queen . Gawain did not believe this . He thought Lancelot , like all men , wanted to be King himself . If Lancelot were King , Gawain thought , he would have a Queen as beautiful and as Guinevere .
Arthur was called from the castle to visit Guinevere's father , Leodegran . Arthur asked Lancelot to the Queen's tower while he was gone , as Lancelot was surely the best in England .
Sir Gawain the trust of one of the Queen's maids . He asked her to give a letter to the Queen which he said was from Lancelot . In it , Gawain wrote that Lancelot was in love with the Queen , and that although Lancelot did not want to the King , he would like to talk to the Queen in .

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