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Gap-filling Exercise


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par Michael Riccioli

stick to travelling emigrant apart quick journey front afternoon after list

All this while I had been by mixed trains , where I might meet with Dutch widows and little German gentry fresh from table . I had been but a latent ; now I was to be branded once more , and put apart with my fellows . It was about two in the of Friday that I found myself in of the Emigrant House , with more than a hundred others , to be sorted and boxed for the . A white - haired official , with a under one arm , and a in the other hand , stood apart in front of us , and called name name in the tone of a command . At each name you would see a family gather up its brats and bundles and run for the hindmost of the three cars that stood awaiting us , and I soon concluded that this was to be set for the women and children . The second or central car , it turned out , was devoted men travelling alone , and the third to the Chinese . The official was easily moved to anger at the least delay ; but the emigrants were both at answering their names , and speedy in getting themselves and their effects on board .

Source : http : / / ebooks . adelaide . edu . au / s / stevenson / robert_louis / s848ap / index . htm l

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