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Democratic coexistence.


The objective is for the students to review the topic of Democratic Coexistence in the subject of ethical and civic training, while practicing the English vocabulary.

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Âge recommandé: 12 ans
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Democratic coexistence.Version en ligne

The objective is for the students to review the topic of Democratic Coexistence in the subject of ethical and civic training, while practicing the English vocabulary.

par Karla Mora

Democratic coexistence.


What is democratic coexistence?

Democratic coexistence is a current of thought whose principle lies in respecting individuals regardless of their race, creed, language, social condition, level of education, culture or ideology. Therefore, tolerance and consideration of equality must prevail in democratic coexistence.

Democratic coexistence.

Democratic coexistence pursues a tolerant life in a democratic political system. This vision is not about incorporating someone else's points of view as your own, but understanding that you have the right to think as you think, even if this way of thinking is different from your own approach.

Democratic coexistence.

Democratic coexistence is an approach that works according to civility in order to achieve just and free societies.

Awareness in relation to cultural diversity, social fluctuations and the melting pot of identities will be the main component that will serve to move towards tolerant nations and peoples with sustainable structures.


Rules of democratic coexistence

The norms in a democratic coexistence seek to preserve the principles of tolerance and respect through a series of precepts. There are several types of norms of democratic coexistence: moral, legal, religious, social and juridical. All seek to promote human values ​​...

Values ​​of democratic coexistence.


examples of democratic coexistence:

Street: When we respect the right to the integrity of the other by not hurting the integrity of our fellow citizens.

examples of democratic coexistence:

School: When we choose among all the students, according to the majority, which evaluation we want to have for a certain objective.



Arroyo González, Jorge Rafael. Democratic coexistence. (2012). In Citizen Discussion. Retrieved: February 16, 2018. In Citizen Discussion of blog.pucp.edu.pe.

Carbajal Padilla, Patricia. Democratic coexistence in schools. Notes for a reconceptualization. (2013). In Ibero-American Journal of Educational Evaluation. Retrieved: February 16, 2018. In the Ibero-American Journal of Educational Evaluation.

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