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ENGLISH 5Version en ligne


par Liliana Meneses León

Complete with There was or There were _______________many types of kangaroos.


Complete with There is or There are _____________ a wonderful beach near that hotel.


Write much – many – some or any If I hadn't eaten so ________ sweets, I wouldn't have needed _____medication.


Write much – many – some or any Unlike _________of his close friends, Paul had not had ______ opportunities in life.


Write much – many – some or any I didn't have _____ to do yesterday, because there weren't _____ new clients to register.


Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive). The kids (play) __________________ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.


Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive). While Aaron (sleep – not)__________________ in his room, his friends (swim -not) ________________ in the pool.


Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past). she (eat) ______________ a cake yesterday.


Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past). The kids (play) __________________ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.


Select the correct prepositions of place. Do you live ___ a house or an apartment?


Select the correct prepositions of place. The dog is sleeping ___ the carpet.


Read and solve the question. CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS AROUND THE WORLD. One day a donkey found a lion’s skin left by a hunter. He dressed himself in it and amused himself by rushing out of the trees to scare the animals who passed by. He laughed as they all ran away from him—fast! After a few times, he got so excited and pleased to see them all run that he opened his mouth and let out a loud sound—a donkey’s braying. A fox, who had run with the rest, stopped as soon as he heard the sound. He went up to the donkey. “If you had kept your mouth shut you might have frightened me, too. But you gave yourself away with that silly bray!” The donkey laughed when________________


Read and solve the question. THE FROG AND THE OX Many years ago there was a magnificent ox. One day, when he was taking an afternoon walk, a poorly dressed and unimportant looking frog saw him. The frog felt envy toward the beautiful, strong ox. But the frog yelled to his friends, "Look at this ox! But he is no better than I am, if I tried." The frog swelled up to twice his normal size. "Am I the size of this big ox now?" he asked his frog friends. "You will have to be much bigger to be his size," they said. The frog swelled up even bigger. "How about now?" he asked his friends. "No, but you better not swell up more or you will kill yourself," they warned. But the frog wanted to be as big as the ox and puffed, and puffed. He never got as big as the ox because he burst first. What emotion did the frog feel toward the ox?


Complete with how mucho r how many. ____________ people went to the concert? There are 200.000 people.


Complete with how much or how many. ____________ time do you need to finish the exercise? I need 10 minutes.

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