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Past verbs

Localize no caça palavras a forma do passado dos verbos que completam as frases. Clicque na primeira letra e arraste até a última para marcar a palavra
a. She…………… three hundred dollars for the DVD collection. (pay)
b. I ……………that you liked horror movies. (think)
c. Mark…………… really afraid when Nancy ……………him the ghost story. (feel – tell)
d. The new TV series ……………last Thursday. (begin)
e. She…………… the message really well. (understand)
f. Mike ……………the wrong bus to go to the mall. (catch)
g. All the family ……………at the table and…………… grandma’s soup. (sit – eat)
h. Daniel ……………the letter and it…………… on the table. (write – leave)
7º Ensino Fundamental simple past irregular verbs Âge recommandé: 12 ans
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