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Marcel and the White Star


Complete the paragraph with the proper words.

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Âge recommandé: 10 ans
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Marcel and the White StarVersion en ligne

Complete the paragraph with the proper words.

par Dío Orozco

sees steal pulls before gets comes follows finger Half get

Marcel's mouth opens . " What ? ! Are the men going to Zaza Dupont's diamond ? "
He remembers an evening at the opera two weeks . Zaza's green dress . The music . The beautiful White Star on her . No ! They can't steal it ! The train and the men on . Marcel down his hat and them .
an hour later he off again at La Mouette station . But there are hundreds of people , and Marcel loses the two men . Then he an old mouse . " Excuse me , " he says . " Do you know where Zaza Dupont lives ? " But when Marcel finds Zaza's house , it is too late . " Yes ? two men , " she is telling the police on the telephone . " And they've got the White Star . "

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