Listening Comprehension
This game is made for students of the Escuela Normal Superior Oficial de Guanajuato. Its main objective is to evaluate the knowledge acquired from previously elaborated works. We seek to emphasize the importance of the listening area in the learning of a new language.
Considering different aspects, from school children to everyday situations, we hope that the information will be useful and we can promote your knowledge in the strategies of listening.
Considering different aspects, from school children to everyday situations, we hope that the information will be useful and we can promote your knowledge in the strategies of listening.
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À propos de Relier Colonnes
Âge recommandé: 12 ans
28 fois fait
Créé par
Esmeralda Camacho
Top 10 résultats
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We will continue to work to improve.
You have set an activity related to the main content of the class: Listening
Well done team. You have shown a collaborative work here.
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