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A Caillou game

Video Quiz

Watch a video a then you're going to complete the phrases with past perfect simple, continous and past simple to solve the exercise.

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Âge recommandé: 13 ans
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A Caillou gameVersion en ligne

Watch a video a then you're going to complete the phrases with past perfect simple, continous and past simple to solve the exercise.

par Juliana Riano Riano

What was heppening in the first seconds of the video?

Select one or more answers


Check this example:What was happening when the sister and the mom of Caillou were in the pool?


When the dad of Caillou were in the pool...

Select one or more answers


What happen after Caillou went out to the pool?


complete the sentence: When Caillou had started to drown....

Select one or more answers


use the past perfect progressive

Remember that the stucture of the past perfect progressive is: - Subject + HAD +Been+ V. participle + complement

remember that we are using past perfect simple

use past perfect simple and remember that in the sentence you should to take acount the all part of the video

remember that when you use the past perfect simple, the complement should be past simple to give more information

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