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swimming backstroke


swimming backstroke

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Âge recommandé: 12 ans
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swimming backstrokeVersion en ligne

swimming backstroke

par Manu Escoms

change flip eyes Feet surface regular mouth PUSH elevated INPUT enters thumb balance face shoulder small PULL W grabs out extended

The position of the body is a - up swimming position . The chest must be . The hips and the thighs must be near the . The head must be fixed and the looking up . Rotation and of the body is very important . Breathe must be , without keeping it and using the .
There are 3 phases in the positive phase of the arms movement . 1 - PHASE : The arm is extended backwards at the same line of the body . The finger of the hand is the first to enter into the water and next the hand and the arm enter too . 2 - PHASE : In this phase we have to flexes the elbow and the hand looks back and pull the water . This phase finishes when the hand arrives at the level of the . 3 - PHASE : The hand pushes the water until it arrives to the hip . The total way of the hand in the positive phase is a .
Recovery phase : The total way is done with the arm completely . The first to come out the water is the and when the arm arrives at the vertical it produces a rotation .
LEGS MOVEMENT : are always extended . NEGATIVE PHASE : The knee flexes and the foot into the water . POSITIVE PHASE : the knee extended and the foot goes the water .
RACING START : The backstroke start is the only start from the water . The swimmer the wall ( or the start block ) with his hands and the feet are supported on the wall .
RACING TURN : It's a turn . Before you arrive to the wall you must your body position to face down .

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