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Both, neither of, all, none of


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Âge recommandé: 11 ans
21 fois fait

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Both, neither of, all, none ofVersion en ligne

Completa el siguiente texto con both of, neither of, all of y none of. Fíjate en el número de personas.

par Sandra

of of All Both of None of both neither of neither

My sister and I look exactly the same . We're identical twins ! us have long , blond hair and big blue ayes . We do exercise together . We love playing sports and stuying English , but us likes playing video games .
Although we are best friends , we have a lot of other friends too . our friends , however , can tell us apart ( tell apart = distinguir ) . Only our parents can do that ! Last year , we tried to swap identities for a day . our friends believed us , but our parents had any trouble catching us our ! We are very lucky to have each other .

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