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Irregular verbs in past


Fill in the blank with the correct simple past form of the word.

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Irregular verbs in pastVersion en ligne

Fill in the blank with the correct simple past form of the word.

par Universidad INECUH

1 . I already ( do ) the homework
2 . My son ( draw ) a lovely family picture
3 . We ( drink ) a lot of beer last night
4 . My girlfriend wasn't hungry , so I ( eat ) her lunch
5 . I ( feel ) really sad because I ( think ) I wouldn't see you
6 . Andy isn't here , he ( go ) to town to buy some stuff
7 . That's a great book , I ( read ) it many times in high school
8 . I love that dress , but I already ( wear ) it last Friday
9 . I'm so happy I ( win ) first place !
10 . Thankfully I ( find ) my phone in my friend's car
11 . My friend ( write ) a letter for her cousin in China because she ( is ) worried
12 . The exam was easy , I ( know ) all the answers
13 . Today I ( ride ) a horse for the first tim e

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