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Citizen Z B2 Unit 11 Vocabulary ABC game

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Here you can play a fun review game for the vocabulary you just studied in Unit 11. Enjoy!

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Citizen Z B2 Unit 11 Vocabulary ABC gameVersion en ligne

Here you can play a fun review game for the vocabulary you just studied in Unit 11. Enjoy!

par David Alejandro Guevara Pitre

Starts with A

Starts with B

Something extra you get for free.

Starts with C

An Italian explorer responsible for the European discovery of America in 1492. He had sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain, under the patronage of the king and queen, Ferdinand and Isabella, hoping to find a westward route to India.

Starts with D

Floating or falling asleep.

Starts with E

To set off on a journey.

Contains F

Begins with P. The money a business earns minus costs.

Starts with G

One example is the Milky Way. A system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction. Any of the very large groups of stars and associated matter that are found throughout the universe.

Contains H

A name with two words. First name begins with S. Surname begins with H. He was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death.

Contains I

Two words. The first begins with S and the second begins with F. One example of this is Star Wars. Fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other planets.

Starts with J

An airplane powered by one or more very fast and powerful engines.

Contains K

Begins with R. A cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance by the combustion of its contents, used typically as a firework or signal.

Starts with L

This comes from the Sun. The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.

Starts with M

The planet fourth in order from the sun and conspicuous for its red color.

Contains N

Begins with U. Cambridge is an example of one. A high-level educational institution in which students study for degrees and academic research is done.

Contains O

Two words. Both begin with S. The collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit round the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.

Starts with P

A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit round a star. One example of this is The Earth.

Starts with Q

A mission or expedition to find something. A long or arduous search for something.

Starts with R

The way that people or things are generally perceived.

Starts with S

The region beyond the earth's atmosphere or beyond the solar system. The near-vacuum extending between the planets and stars, containing small amounts of gas and dust.

Contains T

Begins with S. A person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences.

Contains U

Contains V

Begins with U. The entire celestial cosmos; MILKY WAY GALAXY; An aggregate of stars comparable to the Milky Way galaxy

Starts with W

You can find this liquid on Earth but it's very rare in other places in our universe.

Starts with X

You usually find this in a hospital. A photographic or digital image of the internal composition of something, especially a part of the body, produced by special rays being passed through it and being absorbed to different degrees by different materials.

Contains Y

Begins with P. The way something or someone is shown to be.

Contains Z

Begins with S. To press something to get the liquid out of it.

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