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Free time activities complete


Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z595z_DmpmQ and complete the paragraph.

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Âge recommandé: 13 ans
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Free time activities completeVersion en ligne

Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z595z_DmpmQ and complete the paragraph.

par María Alejandra Nieto León

What about you Erika ? How often do you ?
Well , not so often . I do it mostly on weekends .
I usually go for bike rides with my friends . They'll be here a little later .
What other things do you like doing spare ? Do you like ?
No , I don't like it very much . I prefer . . . or .
The piano ? Wow . . . ?
No , my sister does and I learned from her . I play the piano only when I need to . . . after or when I had a hard day at school .
I also love in my free time . It's such an incredible experience .
Really ? I've never been to a concert .
I think it's so great being in a crowd of people who feel the same way you do .

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