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At the Cinema (part 1)

Types of film: an adventure film, a cartoon,
a comedy, a fantasy film, a musical, a scary film, a science fiction film, a wildlife film
Pirates: a boat, a cave, an island, a map, shells, treasure
Film making: camera, laptop, script, set, storyboard
Animation: fold, frame, inside, outside, roll, trace
Activities: have an ice cream, have lunch,
play basketball, play football, play the drums, play the recorder, read a book, read a comic
Prepositions of place: between, in, near

What does he want to (watch)?
He wants to (watch a comedy).
She doesn’t want to (play basketball).
This / That is (a cave).
These / Those are (shells).
Let’s (watch a musical).
They’re (watch)ing (a film).
Where is it?
It’s near the (cave).
Is there a cave between the (volcano) and the (palm trees).

+Shall I turn on the laptop?
Shall I turn off the camera?
Yes, please.
english Âge recommandé: 9 ans
9 fois fait

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