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Listening activity using Market Leader Pre-Intermediate (Pearson) Unit 4 track 37

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Listening activity using Market Leader Pre-Intermediate (Pearson) Unit 4 track 37

par Patricia Pimenta

opportunity meet research breakthrough Walkman raises image choice allow saves

Great ideas are generated in different ways . Sometimes an idea may simply be when a company takes advantage of an to extend its product range , to offer more to existing customers . Or a great idea could a company to enter a market which has been closed to it before . Companies which are prepared to spend a lot on R&D may make a by having an original idea for a product which others later copy , for example Sony and the .
On the other hand , some products are developed in response to customer . They come from customer ideas . These products are made to a need , to satisfy consumer demand . Or the product does something similar to another product , but faster , so it time . Some people will buy new products because the product their status - gives them a new , more upmarket .

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