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10 anatomy definitions


10 definitions on the anatomy of bones

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10 anatomy definitions Version en ligne

10 definitions on the anatomy of bones

par Chastity Grimes

atlas C2 ring vertebrae T5 inferior Manubrium T4 cartilage facet bone head articulation notch junction thoracic

The cervical form the bones of the neck . There is the Cl and the axis , they allow the and neck rotate . Cl atlas does not have a body , it is a of bone with the optical of the cranium . C2 axis is a upward projection that can rotate . There are 10 parts of thoracic cage . the 1st on is , it is superior sternal bone that is triangular in shape and extends from T3 - . The second is the Body , it is the middle stenal bone that extends from - T9 . The next is the Xiphoid process , it is sternal bone that is thin and pointed and has a for the 7th coastal . There is also the Clavicular fossa , located on the superolateral angles of the manubrium . Also angel it forms the between the manubrium and the body . Superasternal is a large indentation on the superior border of the manubrium . Also ribs are apart of the cage more directly the articular facets of the head , neck , shaft . Every rib forms an with a facet on the body of its corresponding vertebra .

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