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Thoracic cage


Identify the bones that form the thoracic cage. Boxes that require multiple answers are in alphabetical order.

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Thoracic cageVersion en ligne

Identify the bones that form the thoracic cage. Boxes that require multiple answers are in alphabetical order.

par Kristani Cochran

12 inferior superior process 8 xiphoid body thoracic manubrium true floating sternum middle ribs cage 10 1 7 7th cartilage false costal 11

The is composed of quite a few parts . First is the , which is an elongated flat bone forming the middle part of the anterior thoracic wall . It is composed of three parts , the ( which is the portion ) , ( the portion ) , and ( the portion ) . The are also a part of this cage , - attach anteriorly to the sternum through strips of and are known as ribs . - are ribs that only attach to the cartilage . - do not attach to anything are known as ribs .

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