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gap fill for reading 4

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gap fill for reading 4

par John E

posed collapse about exchange uniquely because possible when biologically of learning from engineering cottoned influenced order mistakes 'bargains'

Humans are smart among all the other species on the planet . We are capable of outstanding feats of technology and . Then why are we so prone to making ? And why do we tend to make the same ones time and time again ? When Primate Psychologist Laurie Santos the Comparative Cognition Lab at Yale University this question to her team , they were thinking in particular the errors of judgement which led to the recent of the financial markets . Santos came to two answers to this question . Either humans have designed environments which are too complex for us to fully understand , or we are prone to making bad decisions .
In order to test these theories , the team selected a group of Brown Capuchin monkeys . Monkeys were selected for the test , as distant relatives of humans , they are intelligent and have the capacity to learn . However , they are not by any of the technological or cultural environments which affect human decision - making . The team wanted to test whether the capuchin monkeys , put into similar situations as humans , would make the same mistakes .
[ A ] Of particular interest to the scientists was whether monkeys would make the same mistakes when making financial decisions . [ B ] In to find out , they had to introduce the monkeys to money . [ C ] The monkeys soon on , and as well as simple exchange techniques , were soon able to distinguish ? If one team - member offered two grapes in for a metal disc and another team - member offered one grape , the monkeys chose the two - grape option . [ D ] Interestingly , when the data the monkey's purchasing strategies was compared with economist's data on human behaviour , there was a perfect match .

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