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Spanish Steps

Welcome to Rome's most famous steps; Scalinata Spagna -- also known as the Spanish Steps. This beautiful place is not only one of Rome's most popular gathering places, but the steps are also one of the longest and widest staircases in all of Europe. The steps are linking the lower Piazza di Spagna with the upper Piazza Trinità dei Monti and its magnificent church. The first thing a lot of people ask themselves is; why is called the Spanish Steps when it is in fact located in Rome, Italy? I'll get to that in just a minute. The first plans of building a staircase in front of the church, Trinità dei Monti, came from Pope Gregory XIII, already in the late 16 th century. However, the history of these steps dates back to the late 17 th century. During this time, the church was under French ownership. In order to connect the church with the popular piazza below, the French ordered the construction of a massive, elegant staircase -- the very one you can see in front of you today. A design competition was held in year 1717 which was eventually won by a rather unknown architect, named Francesco de Sanctis. The construction of the staircase began soon afterwards and finished a few years later. The steps were first given the name Trinità dei Monti, after the church and the upper piazza. Later, it was renamed to its current name after the lower piazza -- Piazza di Spagna; The Spanish Square. The square itself was called the Spanish Square due to fact that the Spanish Embassy to the Holy See was, and still is, located nearby. The reason why the piazza has become one of Rome's most popular gathering places is no coincidence. Due to its beautiful and artistic surroundings, the area has always been highly appreciated by painters and poets. For example, the French Academy, where some of France's most talented artists, writers and musicians worked, was founded nearby in the 17th century. The artists' presence attracted many beautiful women to the area, hoping to become chosen as an artist's model. This in turn, attracted rich Romans and travelers, looking for a wife or a mistress. The many rich people in the area meant that many beggars soon found the place and suddenly, the steps were crowed with people with all kinds of backgrounds. This tradition, of the Spanish Steps as a meeting place, has lived on ever since. While the steps are the main attraction on the site, you should also pay attention to the many beautiful buildings in the area. Another thing to take an extra look at is the beautiful fountain next to you. This is an early baroque fountain called Fontana della Barcaccia -- the Fountain of the Old Boat. It is credited Pietro Bernini, a member of the renowned artist family Bernini. The fountain, with its characteristic form of a sinking ship, is said to be based upon a folk legend. The legend says that a fishing boat was carried away to this exact spot during the flood of the River Tiber in late 16th century. The design with the sinking boat also helped Bernini to overcome a technical problem, due to low water pressure. If you look at the inside of the boat, you can spot two suns on either side of it. You can also spot a coat of arms with bees in it on the outer parts of the boat. Both the sun and the bee ornamentation is a symbol of the Bernini family and a reference to Pope Urban VIII who commissioned the work of the fountain. Throughout their history, the Spanish Steps have been restored several times. Today, eating and drinking on the steps is strictly forbidden in order to keep the staircase clean, so please respect this policy. Already in the Renaissance period, the square was one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city and it still is to this very day.
technology architecture rome tourism Âge recommandé: 21 ans
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Créé par

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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