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Strasbourg Introduction

Among the trains at Strasbourg station once a month a special charter pulls in its full of staff from the European Parliament. Because every four weeks for just four days at a cost of a hundred and fifty million pounds a year the
Eurocrats from Brussels move their offices and work to a different city. And so if you were looking for reasons for Britain to leave the EU you might well start here Some call it a circus. The Parliament itself like their other one in Brussels is impressive: it has a cross-generational draw. Tourists flock daily: there's a real sense of a European patriotism here. Together we are strong we are a good team in the world. What do you think about Europe splitting up, perhaps Britain leaving Europe? That would not be good.
europe brexit Âge recommandé: 21 ans
3 fois fait

Créé par

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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