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Fill in the gaps


Fill in the blanks with the most appropiate word

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Âge recommandé: 13 ans
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  1. temps
  1. temps


Fill in the gapsVersion en ligne

Fill in the blanks with the most appropiate word

par Lucía Portabales Diz

cold snowy warm rainy stormy foggy cloudy windy sunny

When we don't see the sky , the weather is .

We can't open our umbrellas because it's too and they will break

In days I like to lay in the sofa and have a hot chocolate

When the sun is out , we say it's a day

When a white blanket covers the floor , it's a day

It's usually very when it snows

When there's thunder and lightning in the sky , it's a day

London is very

Hot days are best spent at the beach

When it's outside the birds sin g

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