A visit to the doctor'sVersion en ligne Oral practice for the oral exam par isabel andres dominguez Dr. Sick Good morning? What's the matter Pauline I'm not feeling very well lately Dr. Sick What seems to be the problem? Pauline My eyes are sore and I'm sneezing all the time Dr. Sick Well! You may be allergic to something. Spring is coming but it hasn't rained yet and there is a lot of pollution in the city. Is it the first time you've had these symptoms? Pauline No, I had similar symptoms last year but I didn't feel as bad as now Dr. Sick Don't worry. I'll prescibe you some antihistamines and you'll soon feel better. But it would be a good idea to carry out some tests just to make sure what the origin of the allergy is Pauline Thank you Dr. Sick. I hope I'll feel better tomorrow