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About the loe`s family


You need to complete the spaces, according to the story of Loe, you have to read and put the most appropriate in each space. The idea is to learn the family, and complete the story, adding each family member, in the right place.

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About the loe`s familyVersion en ligne

You need to complete the spaces, according to the story of Loe, you have to read and put the most appropriate in each space. The idea is to learn the family, and complete the story, adding each family member, in the right place.

par Alexandra Avila

sons brother parents parents parents parents family family grandparents sister son sister sister cousin people grandparents brother daughter father Uncle father brother family cousin Loe wife uncle

My name is . I come from a small . There are seven in my . My are coming to visit us from London . My is very happy because his are glad to see them . We don`t often see them because London is far away from Edinburgh .
My have two : my and my Bill . Bill has a called Susan . They have a who is my and she is older than me , she works as a journalist in an important newspaper in London . Besides , they have a and he is my favorite because both like the same television programs and video games . Actually , all my lives in London apart from my , my and my . My and my are older than me . My works on a bakery . He is young , tall , slim and handsome . He has blue eyes and curly hair . He is nice , friendly , honest and intelligent . My works as a teacher . She is young , tall and slim . My sister likes staying at home and cooking , but I prefer gardening and outdoor activities . My are middle age , they are both doctors , they are so busy because we don't see each other very often , but I try to call my once a day .

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