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Why does this feel worse?

You suffered a concussion. Just lie back. How do you feel? How is Ian? Same as you. He's okay. Who, um... Who did this? Ah, some soldiers. They've been watching too much TV. What is that? Take it easy. Take it easy. The site's no longer secure. We're standing by to evacuate. Where's Ian? Weber came and got him maybe minutes ago. He wouldn't leave until he knew you were okay. Your whole tent is on the clock to figure out whatever it is you were given up there. This is all of it? The feed wasn't interrupted by the explosion? Not as far as I can see. You see something? Oh, I don't know yet. I'm gonna need my team to get together with Louise's team. I need everybody working on this. We cannot leave. Glad to see you're awake. We need to go back in and explain this wasn't our fault. We can't go back inside. We have to. What happened in there was an attack. We can hope for the best, but I have orders to prepare for retaliation. We may have to evacuate. No, that's the wrong move. As long as they stay, we have to stay. Well, they're not leaving. Why does this feel worse?
science fiction literature Âge recommandé: 21 ans
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Créé par

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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