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Give Technology Now

No, no, no. Dr. banks, you can't go in there. I just need to ask one question. Dr. banks! The session is finished. You can't... you can't go back in. It's dangerous. Look, we just need five minutes. Don't sweat it. Marks, let them go. Hey, abbott! So, what are we calling this? Session ? Uh, no, , part . Why are they on their own? We've been attempting to hail captain marks. The escort units are not responding, sir. Why not? Send security. "Offer weapon, question mark." Are you offering us something? Technology, apparatus, method? Yeah, see, this is a different word. This... this segment, it's a lot busier. Give technology now. What's he doing? Captain, on your ten. Security detail inbound, sir. T-minus minutes remaining. We need to see this through. Okay, this is it. Lock and load. We just need to hold them off until it's done. Copy that. Warning shots and suppressive fire only. Load up and get to cover. Stay frosty and we can avoid casualties. Abbott wants me to write on the barrier. Can you even do that? I don't know. I can't do it with both hands. Louise... What is that?
adventure Âge recommandé: 21 ans
1 fois fait

Créé par

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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