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Introducing my Studies


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language studying vocational Âge recommandé: 17 ans
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    Soile Peltoniemi
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Introducing my Studies

Kirjoita oikea vaihtoehto tekstiin.

Soile Peltoniemi

on Vocational recommend independent practical concentrate on activities optional training equipment environment myself the studies dormitory job learning

May I introduce ? My name is Annika and I am 17 years old .
I started studying at Häme Institute this August and after a couple of months studying I must say that I am very happy to be here .
This unit is located in the countryside because our learning has a key role in our studies . We do have theory lessons but we pretty much practice .
We have both compulsory and studies but a big part in the learning process includes .
Nowadays it is called - - and I really look forward to this period of time .
Studies take about 2 or 3 years , depending on your previous and competences , and include so many interesting and variable things from safety , usage of machines , tools and to knowledge of languages and cultures , math etc .
Many of the students cannot travel home every day and therefore we can live in a .
This basically means becoming more and also getting many new friends , which is great .
In addition , diverse free time are organized very often for almost every evening .
I warmly studying here !