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Learning from Criticism-2

Now, the only real criticism which I had about my last course was about the transparency of my scoring.
Even though this criticism, in the event, came from a girl who got (to use the famous phrase in ‘The Browning Version’) ‘no less – and certainly no more – than she deserved’.
I am delighted to report that, even though she was not among the strongest of the students, she made her dissenting comment in perfect English!
From 123 students there was just this one critic – as opposed to moaners, of whom there were four. Moaners never once attend the course; and then are surprised when they fail it or score very low on it! This is when they set about sending the Teacher a warm ‘friend’ invitation...!
The girl’s criticism was not entirely justified, since in fact I had taken great care with the points – but I ran into a few personal difficulties with exhaustion and a deadline – and maybe, to play devil’s advocate, I had an over-complex conception of scoring for the course.
I will put these imperfections right, here and now, for this course. In the British Parliament there is a man - although in principle it could be a woman - called the Speaker. He decides who is allowed to speak. One of you will call your fellow students to speak – when class roles are called for; which is most of the time!
We will trust that person to call everyone in an even and fair way. And if you are called, you must respond and do your best. We will give you every encouragement and help. But no ‘non-members’ of the class will be tolerated. You came to learn, remember? And all contributors will get 5 points per try.
If – on the other hand – anyone wants to ask a question or make a point, which is completely unusual in China - that will attract an immediate credit of 10 points...!
Someone other than the speaker will be the scorer. And the Scorer will be the Keeper of The Book. In the British Parliament, there is a ceremonial stone as well – but we don’t have that here. They don’t have a book, but they do have Clerks. China in fact has Scholar’s stones. You will have to be content with those.

education Âge recommandé: 21 ans
2 fois fait

Créé par

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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