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Learning from Criticism-1

No artist, teacher and student can survive without sustaining criticism. Criticism hurts – especially if it is unjust. But it is best to get used to it. If you should work on a ship, or in the hotel industry, you will get a lot of criticism. But criticism is normal. If we do not worry too much about it, and even come to expect it, and detach the ‘me’ who acts, from the amazing ‘me’ who can improve absolutely everything until it is at a transcendent level, well then, from now on – that is, from today! – criticism will never bother us again. Good luck with this! We are all on the same side. Believe that! And I can promise you, here and now, that if need be, I will offer you only constructive criticism, and most of the time I will be praising your efforts. Why? Because I believe in you. And because deserved praise helps! I love the Chinese habit of applauding. You may do the same for me, if you wish, as we go on. But let neither party worry about the externals: grades and approbation. Whether by each other, by our parents, or by society at large. These phenomena are largely artificial and a by-product – not the main aim – of education. And I would remind you that this is education. Not training, or instruction, or simply coaching you for exams. It is a university: and university comes from a word meaning ‘universal’. If you had wanted anything else, I imagine you would have gone to a training institute. But no, you are here! And I am here as well- trying to make something remarkable happen! We are in the same struggle – together! That said – I realize that evaluation has its place; and indeed, it will be factored in
education Âge recommandé: 21 ans
1 fois fait

Créé par

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
United Kingdom

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