Yesterday
went
to
the
park
with
my
little
son
,
years
old
.
There
were
a
lot
of
childrens
playing
all
kind
of
games
.
As
he
just
learned
body
parts
names
at
school
,
he
wanted
to
show
me
he
remembered
all
of
them
.
He
is
a
soccer's
fan
,
too
,
so
he
told
me
:
"
Look
!
These
boys
are
playing
soccer
!
They
have
to
hit
the
ball
with
their
legs
and
feet
,
and
they
can't
touch
it
with
their
arms
.
"
And
answered
:
"
That's
right
,
but
for
one
of
them
.
He
can
grab
it
with
his
hands
.
And
what
are
these
girls
doing
?
"
"
They
are
painting
their
!
"
"
Not
exactly
.
What
are
they
painting
.
.
.
?
"
"
Oh
,
yes
,
they
are
painting
their
"
.
"
Exactly
!
"
Now
,
can
you
tell
me
orem
ipsum
stomach
sit
amet
,
False
Warning
elephant
adipiscing
elit
?
Aenean
commodo
eget
dolor
.
Aenean
muscles
.
Cum
sociis
natoque
penatibus
et
head
dis
parturient
montes
,
nascetur
ridiculus
heart
mus
.
Donec
eye
felis
,
ultricies
nec
,
pellentesque
eu
,
pretium
quis
,
sem
.
Nulla
consequat
mouth
quis
enim
.
Donec
DifficultSaying
justo
,
fringilla
vel
,
aliquet
nec
,
False
Friend
eget
,
arcu
.
In
enim
justo
,
rhoncus
ut
,
imperdiet
a
,
venenatis
,
justo
.
Unseen
Grammar
felis
eu
mollis
pretium
.
ear
Integer
tincidunt
.
Cras
dapibus
.
Vivamus
nose
semper
nisi
.
Aenean
False
Friend
eleifend
tellus
.
Aenean
leo
,
porttitor
eu
,
consequat
,
eleifend
ac
,
enim
.
Aliquam
OpaqueWord
ante
,
dapibus
in
,
viverra
quis
,
feugiat
a
,
Saying
.
Phasellus
viverra
nulla
ut
metus
varius
laoreet
.
Quisque
rutrum
.
Aenean
imperdiet
.
Etiam
ultricies
nisi
vel
.
Curabitur
ullamcorper
ultricies
.
Nam
eget
dui
.
Etiam
rhoncus
.
Maecenas
Culture
,
tellus
eget
condimentum
rhoncus
,
sem
quam
semper
.
sit
amet
adipiscing
sem
sed
ipsum
.
Nam
quam
nunc
,
vel
,
luctus
pulvinar
,
hendrerit
id
,
OpaqueWord
.
Maecenas
nec
odio
et
ante
tincidunt
.
Aenean
leo
,
porttitor
eu
,
consequat
,
eleifend
ac
,
enim
.
Aliquam
OpaqueWord
ante
,
dapibus
in
,
viverra
quis
,
feugiat
a
,
DifficultSaying
.
Duis
leo
.
Sed
mauris
sit
amet
nibh
.
Donec
sodales
magna
.
Sed
consequat
,
leo
eget
bibendum
sodales
,
augue
velit
cursus
nunc
.
Follow
two
new
sentences
add
in
order
to
include
two
more
relevant
words
into
the
exercise
,
so
to
match
student's
number
.
They
are
coherent
with
the
previous
text
,
and
can
be
added
into
it
.
Oh
,
look
!
This
child
has
icecream
all
over
his
!
I'd
say
more
than
that
!
He
has
it
all
over
his
whole
!