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Video can't stop the feeling

Video Quiz

Dear students, you are about to watch a video-quiz of the music video "can't stop the feeling" of the award-winning artist Justin Timberlake. He uses modal verbs a number of times in this song, so please listen carefully to the lyrics of the song and try to answer the multiple choice questions that will pop onto your screen.

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Âge recommandé: 18 ans
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Video can't stop the feelingVersion en ligne

Dear students, you are about to watch a video-quiz of the music video "can't stop the feeling" of the award-winning artist Justin Timberlake. He uses modal verbs a number of times in this song, so please listen carefully to the lyrics of the song and try to answer the multiple choice questions that will pop onto your screen.

par Mieke Mussely

What does the modal verb 'can' express in the lyric "I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally"?

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What does the negative form of the modal verb 'can' express in the lyric 'Can't stop the feeling'?

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Yes, again, the artist uses the modal verb 'can' to express an ability or in this specific case rather an inability: the artist is unable to stop the feeling he is talking about

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